
Japanese Water Iris

Genus/Species Iris ensata
Family Iridaceae
Type Rhizome
Aka Russian Iris, Japanese Flag, Iris kaempferi
Origin Japan, northern China to eastern Russia
General Lovely colour in the water gardens
Use Water gardens
Attract Bees
Zones 1 - 10, 14 - 24
Sun Full sun to partial sun, tolerates total shade
Water Constant to ample
Soil Light soil or place in pot, cover with rocks and place in water
Plant If in soil, plant in fall with neutral soil and plenty of water
Size 4' by 4'
Leaf Long swords
Flower Purple and yellow flat singles, doubles available
Bloom Middle of April
Seeds Seed pods
Feed Does not like alkaline soil or water
Prune Cut back after bloom
Prop Division, seeds
Notes: First year of seeds, supposedly does not grow true to parent
Pests Snails
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English Ivy

Genus/Species Hedera helix
Family Araliaceae
Type Perennial evergreen vine
General Classic ivy
Use Good wall covering, ground cover
Attract Bees, birds
Zones 3 - 24
Sun Full sun to part sun
Water Moderate
Soil Average
Plant Excellent wall covering
Size To 15' or longer
Leaf Five lobed dark green with veins
Flower Clusters of green flowers then black berries
Bloom Spring to summer
Seeds black berries that drop and reseed
Feed Standard if any, high nitrogen when first planting
Prune Chop away as needed, needs severe cleaning out every so often
Prop Seeds will sprout readily, tranplants well
Notes: Not as vigorous as Algerian Ivy, but still a fast grower
  Birds love the berries, and will nest in a high, well established wall
Pests Rats will nest under ivy if allowed

Name Jupiter's Beard
Genus/Species Centranthus ruber
Family Valerianaceae
Type Perennial
Aka Red Valerian
General Invasive, re-seeds too easily
Good plant for difficult area
Use Tall back ground, border
Zones 7 - 9, 12 - 24
Attract Butterflies, bees
Sun Full to partial sun, likes it hot
Water Drought tolerant, best with some water
Soil Average, does well except in damp shade
Size 4" high, 3' wide
Plant Bushy, tall
Leaf Bluish green fairy leaves
Flower Tiny red clusters at stalk top
Bloom Spring to summer, fall if trimmed
Trim spent flowers to prevent spreading and repeat bloom
Seeds Many, many, seeds on parachutes that fly everywhere
Feed None required
Prune Freely trim to control
Prop Seeds, cuttings, division
Warning Will spread with the winds
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